MasterMine for QuoteWerks Reg Lead

MasterMineā„¢ for QuoteWerks

Lead Registration

<--Click here to register this lead automatically

Who will follow up this sale?
   (MasterMine margins do not depend on who does the demo!)
We (reseller) will demo and close the sale.
We have scheduled for MasterMine to demo the client directly.
This is a qualified referral, MasterMine may demo and close.
Please let us know the results.
* QW Users:
Your comments or instructions:

Note:  Though every reasonable effort is made to coordinate with resellers, MasterMine reserves the right to judge the applicability of claims to margin credit, and to assume contact with abandoned prospects after a reasonable time without report of progress or request for extension from reseller.


Please fill missing info below:

* Name  
* Company (minimum 8 chars)
Street Address
Address (cont.)
* Phone format: (xxx)xxx-xxxx
* E-mail

Dealer Information:

Dealer Contact
Dealer Company
Dealer E-mail

Please click "Register Link" when ready

<--Click here to register this lead automatically