"> MasterMine Install & Uninstall Instructions 6Lf_BhMUAAAAAPtiINz7MaMogGaYS82BwSYmio0o

Installing & Uninstalling MasterMine Software

MasterMine for GoldMine
Installation Instructions

MasterMine for QuoteWerks
Installation Instructions

Unistall Instructions

System Requirements

GoldMine 9.0 or higher

QuoteWerks 4.x or higher

Corporate, Professional and Standard Editions.

SQL 2008 or higher - OR MS Access database

Both SQL and Access database back-ends are served by the same version of MasterMine, and look virtually identical.

MS Office 2007, or higher

(Microsoft Excel must be installed on the workstation or terminal server prior to installing MasterMine)

Windows 7, Windows 8.x, Windows 10 and Windows 11

512 MB RAM minimum
For larger data files (more than a few thousand contacts or 20,000 history records), 2 GB or more is highly recommended.

High-speed Networks
Network speed can be a bottleneck if large files are queried. See the user manual for hints on query efficiency.