Effective as of July 1, 2018
MasterMine Software, Inc. provides software for users of GoldMine and QuoteWerks ("MasterMine Products" below) both via direct sales to end users as well as through the Partner channels of the respective principle products. Without further formal contractual requirements, active and authorized GoldMine and/or QuoteWerks Partners may sell our software unless expressly forbidden to do so by MasterMine.
MasterMine Products may be sold by Partners working independently or by MasterMine Software sales reps in support of Partners. Participation of MasterMine sales reps often leads to more certain and more frequent sales but reduces commission percentage to the referring Partner. Involvement of MasterMine sales reps in each new sale referred to MasterMine is subject to the discretion of the Partner at the time of the referral.
All MasterMine products may be supplied or withheld at MasterMine's discression to and through our "Partners". Partners are forbidden to offer MasterMine products at any price lower than the prices shown on this website or contemporaneously offered in MasterMine's marketing. Beyond the authorizations enumerated below, Partners whether Authorized or Unauthorized may not make representations binding upon MasterMine Software, Inc. regarding its prices, products or services.
“UNAUTHORIZED PARTNERS”: If you do not qualify as an authorized Partner, or lose qualification, you may still sell MasterMine on your own and receive 20% commission for those sales you close, but do not participate in ongoing revenue from services or renewals until you re-establish authorized status.
“AUTHORIZED PARTNERS”: Authorized partners have privileges additional to those who merely sell MasterMine on an occasional basis. Authorized Partners participate in the stream of ongoing revenue from annual maintenance, additional software sales and related services sold by MasterMine representatives, as described below.
You are considered AUTHORIZED to sell and support MasterMine for GoldMine or QuoteWerks if at least one of the following is true:
In addition, ALL of the following must be true:
As an “Authorized Dealer” of MasterMine, you are entitled to commissions on the following schedule, subject to ALL of the terms and conditions below:
*“You sell” means we did not participate in the sale enough for our internal sales reps to earn commission on the sale. We pay commission to our reps based on their level of involvement in a sale, usually requiring that they do the majority of the “demo and close” process. Mere participation in a demo is not enough to qualify our reps to earn commission. We are happy to provide assistance at any level you prefer to support your sales process.
MasterMine is committed to protecting your client relationships to the greatest extent possible, while still providing top quality service and support for those clients who become MasterMine customers. Clients you sell MasterMine software to, or that you registered using our online registration program, are “protected” from direct solicitation by MasterMine Software for any non-MasterMine related products or services, including GoldMine or QuoteWerks software itself, so long as the Partner who registered them remains an active Dealer and Partner of Record with the principle software provider for the client in question. Client Protection remains in effect even if “authorized status” is lost.
MasterMine may require re-registration of un-closed leads after two years to update obsolete or inoperable contact information. Failure to re-register will result in loss of protection for that client. If approached by a “protected” client to perform GoldMine services or upgrades, we will make a good-faith effort to direct them back to the Partner who provided the lead to us for such services.
Payment of commissions:
In the case of sales closed by MasterMine Software, Inc. to Partner-registered clients, commissions will be reported to the Partner in question at the time of sale, and will be held on account as a credit toward future MasterMine sales. Authorized Partners may receive amounts held on account by request.
New customer sales:
You must maintain an active sales relationship with MasterMine, as defined above, to qualify as an “authorized” Partner. For any new sale initiated by you, you may choose your level of participation in the sales process, from simple referral to full sale, and will be commissioned accordingly.
Software and license upgrades:
MasterMine Software actively solicits version upgrades and sales of additional seats related to MasterMine products. If you sell additional software to clients after their initial purchase, you are entitled to full commission on the sale. If we sell additional software, you receive reduced commission, according to the table above.
MasterMine Services:
MasterMine Software actively solicits services related to MasterMine products, such as custom report writing, data analysis, and data management. If you sell MasterMine-provided services, or if MasterMine Software sells these services to your clients who originally purchased MasterMine through you at full commission, you are entitled to commission according to the table above.
Maintenance renewals:
From the time of original purchase, or the effective date of this policy, whichever is later, you may collect annual maintenance for MasterMine products as it comes due. MasterMine Software will endeavor to inform you in a timely fashion of approaching maintenance expirations so that you may collect. As long as you continuously collect maintenance for a client, you are entitled to commission according to the table above. If you fail to collect commission by the due date, MasterMine will initiate collection for the client. If you collect the maintenance thereafter, you will retain the right to collect the following year for that client. If MasterMine collects maintenance for a client, you lose the right to collect maintenance for that client from then on. Please inform your MasterMine support specialist if you do not intend to pursue MasterMine maintenance renewals.
Annual maintenance reinstatement:
If a client’s maintenance expires, and they are later reinstated by the original Partner or a different Dealer, the collecting Partner may continue to collect maintenance in future years.