"> MasterMine Software, Inc. GMDR Policy 6Lf_BhMUAAAAAPtiINz7MaMogGaYS82BwSYmio0o

GMDR Policy for
MasterMine Software, Inc.

updated 05.18.18

MasterMine Software, Inc. and the software products it provides to customers (i.e. ”MasterMine for GoldMine” and “MasterMine for QuoteWerks”) perform all processing, handling and management functions with regard to client-owned data ON SITE, within the environment controlled by its clients. Neither in the provision of its service nor in the functioning of its vended software does MasterMine transport personal data into or out of the client company’s environment without direct intentional action on the part of client’s own users. MasterMine does not collect, control, or process any personal data of MasterMine product users except insofar as application usernames coincide with the names of actual users.

If in the practice of preparing custom reporting “off-line”, MasterMine receives sample data from affected client companies which may contain their clients’ private data, MasterMine has valid non-disclosure agreements with employees and agents in place to cover the protection of such data. Data of this category are destroyed at the earliest reasonable moment after the conclusion of the work for which the data was received.