"> MMUpdater & QWUpdater 6Lf_BhMUAAAAAPtiINz7MaMogGaYS82BwSYmio0o

MMUpdater & QWUpdater

What if you could update your GoldMine or QuoteWerks from a spreadsheet, in a guided and sync aware way? Now you can!

Within a MasterMine drill-down worksheet, simply change the data you want updated and invoke MMUpdater or QWUpdater to map an Excel column to the target in your GoldMine or QuoteWerks Database field and... Presto!... your changes are made.

Our easy filtering capabilities allow you to easily access only the data you want to change, test and finalize your changes to ensure accuracy. 


About MMUpdater for GoldMine


Works with MasterMine's powerful segmentation capability to pinpoint the data you want to update.

Mass-update all major data tables in GoldMine (not just Contact1 and 2, as with built-in Global Replace).

You can use your Excel skills (find/replace, formulas, copy-down) to make mass changes on the spreadsheet instead of needing to learn more technical skills.

See all your changes BEFORE "finalizing" them in the GoldMine CRM Database, avoiding potentially costly errors.

All changes are sync-aware, so your changes transfer throughout your system, even to remote GoldMine CRM users.

UNDO feature allows you to correct mistakes, even AFTER the database is updated.


Version 9 of MasterMine for GoldMine brings exciting new features and enhancements we are excited to announce.

Now MMUpdater has the ability to create sub-records in GoldMine. Your sub records include additional contacts, details, pending calendar items and create history all within the Excel environment. You also have the ability to create note records for the Note tab in GoldMine.

With this new version you also will find that we have given you better management of your existing sub-records like e-mail addresses and websites.


GoldMine maintenance - identify and clean up obsolete or incorrectly entered data quickly.

When GoldMine rules change (such as activity codes in History or Pending) easily go back and make old data conform to new rules.

Normalize data from multiple sources, so your database works as one unit.

Re-link history records from one contact to another on a mass or selective basis.

Sort through a page of contacts and assign "priority" codes off the top of your head, quickly and easily going from one record to the next in one view.

Sum up Sales amounts into a "Qtr to date" or "Last Year Purchases" numeric field on your "Fields" tab. Run this process periodically to maintain and update your data in a single operation.

Use your Excel "formula-building" skills to combine two or more fields or outside information (like goals or commission levels) in an expression that yields a calculation - then transfer that info into a user-defined GoldMine field for easy reference.


The ability to make mass changes to your database is not something that should be given to just anyone, but to a select few.

Typical users of MMUpdater will have a Master License of MasterMine, but on occasion MMUpdater will be given to a Share License holder. Master License users have the ability to both create new MasterMine reports from scratch, but have the added ability of being able to update their GoldMine from within the report using the MMUpdater feature. Whereas, a Share license user has the ability to open previously created reports and use MMUpdater from within those reports.

Those that use MMUpdater are usually Sales or Marketing Managers, Database Administrators, or VP of Operations. But you ultimately know your business and your employees better than we do. Who would you trust with this powerful tool?

About QWUpdater for QuoteWerks


Works with MasterMine's powerful segmentation capability to pinpoint the data you want to update, make the changes you want in Excel, confirm it's right, then mass-update item- and document-level fields across many documents at once.

Anyone with basic Excel skills (find/replace, formulas, copy-down) can make changes in spreadsheets, then push changes to QuoteWerks with confidence.

You see all your changes BEFORE "finalizing" them into QuoteWerks, avoiding potentially costly errors.

Our UNDO feature even allows you to correct mistakes if you spot them AFTER the database is updated.


Version 9 of MasterMine for QuoteWerks brings an exciting new optional enhancement:  QWUpdater!

QWUpdater pushes your changes from Excel right into QuoteWerks documents. Use your MasterMine for QuoteWerks reports to target sets of Documents or Items across many documents, make changes in Excel, and then push those changes back to QuoteWerks data. It's an easy, and easily repeatable, process. 

Best of all, QWUpdater uses the QuoteWerks API to access and update data, so all "housekeeping" rules and user access settings are respected, so you need not worry about "breaking" Quotewerks with a mass-update. 

To preview QWUpdater's easy interface, go to a "drilldown" page in any MasterMine for QuoteWerks report and click "MMUpdater" in the MM Drilldown ribbon. 


When product pricing or descriptions change, you can easily update line items across many already quoted documents to reflect the changes.

Document Management: Identify and clean up obsolete or incorrectly entered data quickly. MMUpdater can selectively update OR delete line items as well as whole documents.

Etilize users can normalize product data across multiple sources, so quotes reflect your preferred language. (This is particularly great for reconciling data between several databases).

Call 877-877-7272 to discuss how we can help your organization with integrations between multiple systems.


Unless your sales process calls for lots of ongoing adjustments to your quotes and orders, you can give the ability to make mass changes to a select few of your users.

Typical users of QWUpdater will have a Master License of MasterMine (so they can create reports on any data at will) and a Master user setting in Quotewerks so they can update data across other people's documents.

QWUpdater is usually used by the Sales Manager or Sales Administrator, though sometimes IT support users are called upon to manage data. For users who infrequently but sometimes urgently need to update across many documents, QWUpdater makes it much safer to update QuoteWerks data without fear of messing it up.

Individual Components Pricing

Looking for Packages? Follow these links for MasterMine for GoldMine or MasterMine for QuoteWerks


QW Updater


Initial Master License 
(Includes Create & MMUpdater)

Additional Master License

Initial MMUpdater
(Add to existing Create/Share licenses)

Additional MMUpdater







Initial Master License
(Includes Create & QWUpdater)

Additional Master License

Initial QWUpdater
(Add to existing Create/Share licenses)

Additional QWUpdater






System Requirements

GoldMine 6.0 up to Premium Edition 2016

GoldMine 7.0 or higher for MMUpdater

SQL Versions only. 

QuoteWerks 4.x or higher

Corporate, Professional and Standard Editions.

SQL 7, 2000, 2005, 2008 or 2012 - OR MS Access database

Both SQL and Access database back-ends are served by the same version of MasterMine, and look virtually identical.

MS Office 2007, 2010 and 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit)

(Microsoft Excel must be installed on the workstation or terminal server prior to installing MasterMine)

Windows 7, Windows 8.x, Windows 10 and Windows 11

512 MB RAM minimum
For larger data files (more than a few thousand contacts or 20,000 history records), 2 GB or more is highly recommended.

High-speed Networks
Network speed can be a bottleneck if large files are queried. See the user manual for hints on query efficiency.