"> Compare MasterMine with GoldMine Report Writer and Crystal Reports 6Lf_BhMUAAAAAPtiINz7MaMogGaYS82BwSYmio0o
Compare MasterMine with other GoldMine Report Writers

Compare MasterMine Features

The best choice at the lowest cost

How does MasterMine compare?

Besides MasterMine, no option, including StoneField Query or Crystal Reports, really allows you to do data analysis or data management. These are huge additional benefits of MasterMine. But even considering only reporting, you have these choices:

GoldMine Report Writer

Built into GoldMine, the capabilities of this tool are quite limited. GoldMine pros generally steer end users away because it requires a great deal of database knowledge and patience.

SQL Reporting Services

A highly technical, "programmer" tool. Users must know the GoldMine CRM Data schema and be quite familiar with Transact-SQL, field expressions, and GoldMine back-end conventions. Average users cannot be expected to create reports, and typically hiring professionals to do this is not cost- or time-effective.

Crystal Reports 

The industry standard for generic (non-GoldMine-specific) reporting, but not user-friendly and requires users to have much more technical information and know-how. Reports take MUCH longer to create, don't integrate with GoldMine, are inflexible for end-users.

MS Access or Excel

Same limitations as Crystal Reports. Also, these are not built to be report-writing solutions and therefore don't even have the usual report-related conveniences built in.


Puts information into user's "hands" up front, for easy, WYSIWYG-style drag-and-drop to get final results. Branch off any report to create new reports immediately. So integrated with GoldMine you can drill through to "pop" GoldMine records, build GoldMine CRM Groups from any segment in the report, re-shuffle fields, convert tables to graphs, filter on anything graphically (no need for SQL expression builders) -- all with immediate results. MasterMine is simply easier, faster, better.


“I just love my MasterMine. It's the only thing that keeps me from giving up on GoldMine.

I think MasterMine has saved some of us from killing each other. It's just so easy to get accurate information!

“After many years of working with GoldMine, MasterMine is by far the best investment we've ever made in the GoldMine area.”

“Our team is fortunate to find MasterMine, and are using it a lot. MasterMine sales reporting saves us 5 hours of leadership time each week!”